Monday, May 7, 2007

Globalisation threatens islam (politics)

As democracy spreads across the world and human rights as the constant focus by international rights organization, radical Islam is being criticised for violation of women's rights. In our globalised world, the idea of Islam being a primeval and uncivilised religion is brought across the globe. Through political influence, which is no longer confined to a nation, political ideologies are being adopted by other countries. This caused, not only political decisions to be affected, but also cultural aspect of a nation.

Hence, the spread of political ideologies across nations, affects the politics of a nation. The radical change in politics could also bring about adverse results in various sectors, like media and religion. Therefore, the shift in political ideas should not be regarded as merely a change in political tactic, but also a change in the way the state run and influence the country and its people.

Globalisation sparked a lot of radical changes in national politics across the countries. Ideas of state or an individual may be adopted by other states. Hence, one must also consider its impact on the economy, media, as well as culture. Political ideas may spark off a chain of reactions which acts on tradition and beliefs of a country.

~Xiu Wen~

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